Apply now to receive my private ascension training, and learn my 3 part framework for how to heal your life, and rise into the higher spiritual consciousness of love.

Apply now to watch my private ascension training where you'll learn my 3 part framework for how to heal your life, and rise into the higher spiritual consciousness of love.

Are you ready to awaken your divine gifts, heal at the foundations of your consciousness, and claim your spiritual power?

It is my mission to help you remember your divinity, fulfill your soul purpose, and transform as a pure channel for the highest consciousness of love.

Are you ready to awaken your divine gifts, heal at the foundations of your consciousness, and claim your spiritual power?

It is my mission to help you remember your divinity, fulfill your soul purpose, and transform as a pure channel for the highest consciousness of love.

Answer your Soul's Calling...

I have helped hundreds of spiritual seekers just like you claim their spiritual power. 

Angelic Ascension is a "do it together" coaching program where we:

  • Support you through spiritual awakening, and the activation of your divine gifts.
  • Engage in deep, healing shadow work to help you heal at the foundational levels of your consciousness.
  • ​Discover and refine your psychic abilities, and train you to become a clear and confident spiritual channel. (Yes, you DO have psychic abilities. All human beings do. This is part of your divine birthright!)
  • ​Attune you to your Angels and Spirit Guides, and train you to work with them to uplift all areas of your life. 
  • Help you to make meaningful transformations at the levels of body, mind, and spirit as you progress through the phases of spiritual ascension. 
  • ​Train you to energetically anchor and channel the higher spiritual consciousness of love.
  • ​Discover your life's purpose, and guide you to claim leadership and empowerment in fulfilling it.

You'll be in a group with other high-vibe spiritual seekers on the ascension path who want to raise their consciousness, and help to bring forward the miracles of divine love. 
This is the same sacred path as that of all the Ascended Masters who have gone before us. 

Answer your Soul's Calling...

I have helped hundreds of spiritual seekers just like you claim their spiritual power. 

Angelic Ascension is a "do it together" coaching program where we:

  • Support you through spiritual awakening, and the activation of your divine gifts.
  • Engage in deep, healing shadow work to help you heal at the foundational levels of your consciousness.
  • ​Discover and refine your psychic abilities, and train you to become a clear and confident spiritual channel. (Yes, you DO have psychic abilities. All human beings do. This is part of your divine birthright!)
  • ​Attune you to your Angels and Spirit Guides, and train you to work with them to uplift all areas of your life. 
  • Help you to make meaningful transformations at the levels of body, mind, and spirit as you progress through the phases of spiritual ascension. 
  • ​Train you to energetically anchor and channel the higher spiritual consciousness of love.
  • ​Discover your life's purpose, and guide you to claim leadership and empowerment in fulfilling it.

You'll be in a group with other high-vibe spiritual seekers on the ascension path who want to raise their consciousness, and help to bring forward the miracles of divine love. This is the same sacred path as that of all the Ascended Masters who have gone before us. 

Apply Now

And get ready to make the biggest spiritual transformation of your life.

Apply Now

And get ready to make the biggest spiritual transformation of your life.

What other students of the Ascension path are saying...

What other students of the Ascension path are saying...

I can't wait to learn more about you! Please take a moment to complete the short form below for your chance to receive an exclusive invite to my free ascension training: 

"How to Heal your Life, and Channel the Miraculous Spiritual Consciousness of Love."

I can't wait to learn more about you! Please take a moment to complete the short form below for your chance to receive an exclusive invite to my private Ascension training: 

"How to Heal your Life, and Channel the Miraculous Spiritual Consciousness of Love."

Although the private Ascension training is free, we do require an application as it is important to know that we can help you first. Your application to the Angelic Ascension Program will help us determine if we are a good fit to work together on your spiritual ascension path. If so, you'll receive an invite to watch this exclusive training, with no obligation to sign up for the Angelic Ascension Program. 

Submitting your application is about declaring that you are ready to rise to the next level on your spiritual path. 

This training is a deep dive into Angelic wisdom, and a celebration of your commitment to yourself! If you DO feel the inner calling to move forward and work with Sarah in the Angelic Ascension Program, we will be sharing more about what the program looks like, and how we can support you in claiming spiritual healing and transformation within our beautiful Angelic container. 

Please complete this form thoughtfully so that we can learn more about you and your soul-calling:

Although the private Ascension training is free, we do require an application as it is important to know that we can help you first. Your application to the Angelic Ascension Program will help us determine if we are a good fit to work together on your spiritual ascension path. If so, you'll receive an invite to this watch this amazing training, with no obligation to sign up for the Angelic Ascension Program. 

Submitting your application is about declaring that you are ready to rise to the next level on your spiritual path. 

This training is a deep dive into Angelic wisdom, and a celebration of your commitment to yourself! If you DO feel the inner calling to move forward and work with Sarah in the Angelic Ascension Program, we will be sharing more about what the program looks like, and how we can support you in claiming spiritual healing and transformation within our beautiful Angelic container. 

Please complete this form thoughtfully so that we can learn more about you and your soul-calling!

Sarah Hall, LLC. Copyright 2024, All Rights Reserved

Sarah Hall, LLC. Copyright 2023, All Rights Reserved